

The Forefront Event Series is designed for Catholic school educators and leaders to be equipped to meet the needs to today’s students while preparing for the needs of tomorrow.  The Procedo Project offers this series of events with the lens of innovation and keeping up with issues and trends facing schools and making Catholic schools stronger.  These events will offer tracks for primary, elementary, and secondary educators, so there is something for everyone!  You can pick and choose individual events or register for a Forefront passport to attend all events.  Group rates and discounts are available for attending multiple events in the series.  

Catholic school leaders have a unique set of challenges.  Forefront LEAD will equip principals and administrators with relevant tools and strategies for facing the challenges of today while planning for tomorrow!

STEM careers will continue to grow and be in high demand.  As Catholic schools, we are called to prepare students for the future and a STREAM approach educates the whole child.  Forefront STREAM will give K-8 educators strategies and ideas to take your STEM or STREAM program to the next level!

Catholic schools have increasingly focused on our call to serve and welcome students with diverse learning needs.  Welcoming and serving students with special needs strengthens our communities and our values as educators.  Forefront SPED will examine topics on special education and helping teachers and schools increase capacity to serve all students.

Professional development days often overlook teachers of “specials” classes such as art, music, PE and foreign language.  This event is created especially for you!  Join us to connect with other teachers in your field as well as learn new ideas and strategies pertinent to your specific area of education.  

Digital Citizenship has a special role in Catholic education.  Our faith and values reflected through digital media make it a powerful tool for evangelization and faith formation.  Come learn about the NEW Digital Discipleship standards and their applications in religious education today.

Educators and school leaders are invited to gather and learn about Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and the impact it can have in Catholic schools.  Forefront SEL provides context expertise, networking and professional learning to the complex needs of todays schools.