The Procedo Project


Catholic schools are met with unprecedented amounts of funding due to the pandemic, and limited time to allocate and plan for how to use it.  Each state offers different barriers to entry as well as qualifiers in order to access entitlement funding.  This webinar will discuss what funding is available, what it can and can not be used for, and what school leaders need to consider as they advocate for their school with state and local education agencies and plan for the coming school year.

STREAM Education is more than the sum of its parts.  A true STREAM program is integrated throughout the campus, not to a single subject, teacher or lab.  In this webinar, we will discuss the many moving parts of a STREAM program and how to best plan for funding, professional development and resource allocation to infuse STREAM into your campus culture both for academic excellence and as a marketing and advancement strategy.

Enrollment management is as much science as it is art.  Not only do you need to know your community, charism and the selling points of your school, you also need to know the demographic landscape, how to use your current families as a resource to understanding the market needs and how to apply enrollment management best practices for short-term and long-term planning.  This webinar will review proven strategies that yield results in enrollment management and how any school can improve their approach to recruiting and retaining families. 

Your website is the eyes through which a prospective family sees your school.  How you present yourself digitally, in print and in the community tell a story about your school’s mission.  This webinar will provide insights and tips for how to make your website functional and intuitive and make sure your presence on paper and online reflect the unique value proposition of your school.

School leaders are looked to as the spiritual leaders in their community.  Planning and leading faculty formation, being an example to the community and often a public figure in leading prayer is a skill set no class can prepare you for.  This webinar discusses the skills and grace a spiritual leader needs to inspire to equip faculty to grow in their own faith and to prepare students to live out their discipleship as they go forth into the world.